Hellz Vengeance

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Hellz Vengeance


    Mels guide to "Green Dragons"


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    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" Empty Mels guide to "Green Dragons"

    Post  Mel Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:19 am

    Green dragons are at the far east side of the wilderness at around level 20.
    Here is how to get there:

    Open your spellbook to see the page seen beside "Step #1"
    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 1teleport
    When you teleport to varrock, start heading north.

    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 2dshield

    You will run past Giant Rats
    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 3grats

    Then you will come upon some lava, or very heavy forest.
    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 4lava
    Head NE from the "Chaos Altar" (where you saw the lava)

    Basically you want to head North/North East until level 20 Wild. But here is some extra guidance:

    If you hit this building, head NE.
    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 5buildinghillgiant

    If you hit the east edge of the wild, follow the shore until you see green dragons.
    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 6wateredge

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You can now kill Green Drags for

    Dbones (for prayer)
    Slayer task
    Clue Scrolls (make some money)

    Mels guide to "Green Dragons" 7drags

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:19 am