Hellz Vengeance

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Hellz Vengeance


    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls"


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    Posts : 26
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    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" Empty Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls"

    Post  Mel Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:11 am

    Welcome to my Clue Scroll Guide!

    So, you have a clue scroll. What now?
    Well the only thing you need... is a spade!
    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 1spade

    When you read your clue it will say one of three things;
    [indent]1. "I can only open this at the spot in Slayer Tower" Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 2canolny
    2. "I can only open this at the spot in Seers Village bank"
    3. "I can only open this at the spot in Daggonoth Lair"[/indent]

    1. - "I can only open this at the spot in Slayer Tower"
    [indent]Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 3tele
    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 4slaytow
    Dig in the green box [/indent]

    2. - "I can only open this at the spot in Seers Village bank"
    [indent]Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 5tele
    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 6bank
    Dig in the green box[/indent]

    3. - "I can only open this at the spot in Daggonoth Lair"
    [indent]Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 7tele
    Mels guide to "Clue Scrolls" 8dagdone
    Dig in the green box[/indent]

    Good Luck ! ! !

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:15 am